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Welcome To Tranquillity Academy

Founder: Elie Brayshaw B.A.hons

Tranquillity Academy Holistic Studies 
Telephone: 07768 754764

to Shamanism

What is a Shaman?

A shaman is a healer, teacher, and guide who serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds.


Shamans believe that everything has a spirit (animism), including animals, plants, and elements like water and fire.


They work in partnership with spirits and forces of nature to bring balance and healing to individuals and communities.


The word "shaman" originated among the natives of Siberia,  where it describes a specialized type of holy person. Historians today suggest shamanism, which is practised within different cultures all over the world, may actually be humans 'first spiritual practice'.


 This program runs for six weeks and explores the core principles shared by shamans all over the world (only the traditions and practices differ from culture to culture)

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​Shamans perform several key functions:

  • Healing: Restoring harmony to the mind, body, and spirit by addressing energy blockages, trauma, or spiritual imbalances.

  • Guidance: Providing wisdom and insight from the spiritual world, often through divination or spirit communication.

  • Soul Retrieval: Recovering lost parts of a person’s soul that may have been fragmented due to trauma or emotional wounds.

  • Psychopomp Work: Assisting deceased spirits in transitioning from the physical world to the afterlife


  • Core Principles of Shamanic Healing

  • Everything is Connected:

  • Shamans believe in the interconnectedness of all life. Humans, animals, plants, elements, and even celestial bodies are interrelated. When one part of the web of life is disturbed, the effects can ripple out, causing spiritual, emotional, or physical harm.

  • Illness as Energy Imbalance:

  • From a shamanic perspective, illness often arises from an imbalance or disharmony in a person’s energy field. This may be due to spiritual blockages, trauma, or the intrusion of negative energies or entities. Shamanic healing seeks to restore balance by removing or healing these disruptions.


  • Spiritual Realms:

  • Shamans operate within a cosmology that includes three primary realms:

  • Upper World: A realm of higher spiritual beings, guides, and teachers that offer wisdom and insight.

  • Middle World: The everyday physical world where shamans can access spirits of nature and the energy of the Earth.

  • Lower World: A deep, primal realm connected with power animals, ancestral spirits, and soul retrieval.


  • Altered States of Consciousness:

  • Shamans enter altered states of consciousness, often through drumming, dancing, or using natural entheogens (plant-based substances), to access spiritual realms. These altered states help them journey beyond ordinary reality to interact with spirits and gain insight for healing.


  • Key Techniques in Shamanic Healing

  • Shamanic Journeying:

  • Shamanic journeying is a core practice where the shaman enters an altered state of consciousness, typically induced by rhythmic drumming or rattling. This trance-like state allows the shaman to travel to spiritual realms, seek guidance, retrieve lost soul parts, or gather healing information for the client.


  • How it works: The shaman visualizes traveling to one of the three spiritual realms to meet spirit guides, power animals, or ancestral spirits. These helpers provide information and healing energies to help the shaman address the client’s needs.


  • Soul Retrieval:

  • Soul retrieval is a technique used when someone has experienced trauma or emotional pain, causing parts of their soul to "detach" or become fragmented. This loss of soul energy can result in feelings of emptiness, depression, or emotional numbness.

  • Process: The shaman journeys into the spiritual realm to locate and retrieve the lost soul fragments. Once recovered, these fragments are reintegrated into the individual’s energy field, restoring wholeness and vitality.


  • Energy Extraction:

  • Energy extraction is a practice where the shaman removes negative or intrusive energies that are causing illness or imbalance in a person. These intrusions may manifest as physical illness, emotional pain, or energetic blockages.

  • Process: The shaman identifies the intrusive energy and, with the help of spirit guides, extracts it from the client’s energy body. The removed energy is then neutralized or sent back to the earth for transformation.


  • Power Animal Retrieval:

  • Power animals are spirit allies that offer protection, strength, and guidance. A person may lose connection with their power animal, leading to a lack of vitality, protection, or guidance.

  • Process: The shaman journeys to the Lower World to retrieve a power animal for the client. The animal spirit is then called into the client’s life to offer support and restore balance. The presence of a power animal strengthens the client’s energy field and helps them navigate life’s challenges.


  • Psychopomp Work (Spirit Release):

  • Shamans often help spirits of deceased individuals who are "stuck" in the physical world to move on to the afterlife. This practice is known as psychopomp work. It is especially common in cases where the spirit may be causing disturbances or unrest in the living world.

  • Process: The shaman journeys to the Middle World and communicates with the spirit. With the help of spirit guides, the shaman assists the spirit in finding peace and moving to the appropriate afterlife realm.

  • Ceremony and Ritual:

  • Shamanic healing often involves elaborate ceremonies and rituals. These may include drumming, chanting, dancing, and the use of sacred objects like feathers, crystals, and herbs.

  • Rituals may be performed to mark important transitions, such as birth, marriage, or death, or to honor the cycles of nature, such as solstices and equinoxes.


  • Plant Medicine and Natural Elements:

  • In many shamanic traditions, plant medicine plays a vital role in healing. Certain plants are used to cleanse, protect, or provide spiritual insights. For example, tobacco, sage, or ayahuasca are commonly used in shamanic rituals.

  • Shamans may also invoke the elements (earth, air, fire, and water) during healing rituals, calling on these forces of nature for guidance and balance.


  • The Healing Process in Shamanism

  • Shamanic healing is a collaborative process between the shaman,  the client, and the spiritual force


  • A typical session involves the following steps:

  • Assessment and Intention Setting:

  • The client and shaman discuss the client’s issues and goals for the healing. This could range from physical illness, emotional distress, trauma, or spiritual disconnection.


  • Journeying or Energy Work:

  • The shaman enters an altered state of consciousness (often through drumming) and journeys to the spiritual realms to access information or healing energy.

  • The shaman may perform energy extractions, soul retrieval, or retrieve a power animal during this process.


  • Healing Integration:

  • After the journey, the shaman integrates the retrieved soul parts, power animals, or other healing energies into the client’s energy field.

  • The client is guided to actively participate in their own healing through rituals, meditation, or self-care practices.


  • Post-Healing Guidance:

  • The shaman provides insights or messages from the spiritual realms that can help the client maintain balance and continue their healing journey.

  • Follow-up sessions may be recommended, as shamanic healing can involve a gradual process of reintegration and transformation.


  • Benefits of Shamanic Healing

  • Emotional Healing: Releases old trauma, emotional blockages, and grief.

  • Spiritual Growth: Deepens the connection with the spiritual world and nature.

  • Physical Healing: Addresses energetic imbalances that may manifest as physical illness.

  • Mental Clarity: Helps clear confusion, anxiety, and mental fog by connecting with higher wisdom.

  • Empowerment: Provides tools for self-healing, personal power, and resilience.


  • Conclusion

  • Shamanic healing is a profound and ancient practice that addresses the root cause of physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. By connecting with spirit realms, shamans can retrieve lost parts of the soul, remove intrusive energies, and restore harmony to the body and mind. Whether through soul retrieval, energy extraction, or power animal guidance, shamanic healing helps individuals realign with their true essence, fostering holistic well-being and deep transformation.



Join me on a  

Spiritual Journey to the

Four Directions With Shamanism


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I would love to hear from you 


Small classes and one to one private training also available

Any questions please reach out
I will always do my best to help 
Telephone: 07768 754764

Many students who have taken the Synergy healing programme have also participated in the Shamanism course.

Shamanism course
highly recommended for all
student interested in the
Synergy healing programme
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